miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2016


1 Chronicles 16:8
[ David’s song of praise ] Give thanks to our Lords: Daddy "ABBA", "YESHUA" our King, the "HOLY SPIRIT" and our Mother "MARY", call on "THEIR" name; make "THEIR" deeds known to all people, races and nations of the world!!!!!

1 Crónicas 16: 8
[El canto de alabanza de David] Agradezco a nuestros Señores: Papito "ABBA", "YESHUA" nuestro Rey, el "ESPÍRITU SANTO" y nuestra Madre "MARÍA", invoquemos "SUS" nombres; Hagamos "SUS" hechos conocidos por todas las personas, razas y naciones del mundo!!!!!

1. Laiku Grāmata 16: 8
[Dāvida dziesma slavēt] Dodiet pateicoties mūsu Kungiem: tētis "ABBA", "YESHUA" mūsu karalis, "SVĒTAIS GARS", un mūsu Māte "MARIJA" aicināt "viņu" nosaukumu; padarīt "savu" darbus zināms visiem cilvēkiem, rasu un nāciju pasaulē!!!!!

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