John 8:12
Is the Light of the World12 Later, Jesus talked to the people again. He said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never live in darkness. They will have the light that gives life.”
biblically means seeing the "light"
It means finding and meet "YESHUA" and that when you know “HIM” you find reasons to live in a correct way.
It means finding and meet "YESHUA" and that when you know “HIM” you find reasons to live in a correct way.
When we believe in "YESHUA" When we discover that "YESHUA" is the true friend, our older brother, the Lord, the "light" that has overcome Satan, death, sin ... and has given us the real life!!!!
Being a Christian is one who believes in "YESHUA" and follows, chooses "YESHUA" chooses "YESHUA" as a model.
When we didn’t know about our SWEETHEARTS and about "YESHUA" We were in the power of darkness, Satan, sin, death. "YESHUA," "Light of the World" came to us and with his death and resurrection freed us from the devil, sin, death. In baptism we participate in this saving encounter with "YESHUA" and we become Christians, that is, his disciples, his followers.
What means to believe in "YESHUA"?
Means relying totally on "HIM" accept “HIM” as the Son of Daddy "ABBA" (“GOD”), and our "Savior"
What means to follow "YESHUA"? Follow "YESHUA" means to live as "He" lived here on earth.
Juan 8:12
Jesús, la luz del mundo
12 Otra vez Jesús les habló,
diciendo: Yo soy la luz del mundo; el que me sigue, no andará en tinieblas,
sino que tendrá la luz de la vida.
Qué significa bíblicamente VER LA “LUZ”
Significa encontrar y conocer a “YESHUA” y que al conocerle se tiene razones para
vivir como hay que vivir.
Cuando creemos en “YESHUA” Cuando descubrimos que “YESHUA” es el AMIGO verdadero, el HERMANO MAYOR nuestro, el SEÑOR, la “LUZ” que ha vencido a satanás, a la muerte, al pecado…y nos ha regalado la AUTENTICA vida!!!!
Significa confiar totalmente en “El” aceptar que es el
HIJO de Papito “ABBA” (DIOS), y nuestro “SALVADOR”
12 Tad Jēzus atkal
runāja uz viņiem, sacīdams: "ES ESMU pasaules gaisma; kas seko Man, tas
patiesi nestaigās tumsībā, bet tam būs dzīvības gaisma."
Tas nozīmē atrast un satikt "Yeshua", un ka tad, kad jūs zināt, "VIŅU", jums atrast iemeslus, lai dzīvotu pareizā veidā.
Kad mēs redzam?
Kad mēs ticam "YESHUA" Kad mēs atklājam, ka "YESHUA" ir patiess draugs, vecākais brālis mūsējie, Kungs, "gaisma", kas ir jāpārvar sātanam, nāve, grēks ... un mums ir devis reālu dzīvi! !!!
Būt kristietim ir tas, kurš tic "Yeshua" un seko, izvēlas "Yeshua" izvēlas "Yeshua" kā paraugu.
Kad mēs nezinājām par mūsu „SWEETHEARTS” un "YESHUA" Mēs bijām tumsības vara, sātana, grēka, nāves. "YESHUA", "PASAULES GAISMA" nāca pie mums un ar viņa nāvi un augšāmcelšanos atbrīvoja mūs no velna, grēka, nāves. Kristības mēs piedalāmies šajā taupības sastapties ar "YESHUA", un mēs kļūstam kristieši, tas ir, VIŅA mācekļi, VIŅA sekotāji.
Ko tas nozīmē ticēt "YESHUA"?
Nozīmē paļaujoties pilnīgi par " VIŅU " pieņemt " VIŅU " ka Dēls no Tētis "ABBA"
(" DIEVS ") un
mūsu "Glābējs"
Ko tas nozīmē sekot "YESHUA"? Seko "Yeshua" nozīmē dzīvot kā "Viņš" dzīvoja.
Ko tas nozīmē sekot "YESHUA"? Seko "Yeshua" nozīmē dzīvot kā "Viņš" dzīvoja.
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