2 Peter 1:5-8
This is why you must make every effort to add moral excellence to your faith; and to moral excellence, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, endurance; and to endurance, devotion to our "SWEETHEARTS"; 7 to devotion to our "SWEETHEARTS", , affection for others; and to affection for others, love. If all these are yours and they are growing in you, they’ll keep you from becoming inactive and unfruitful in the knowledge of our "LORDS":Daddy "ABBA"(GOD), "YESHUA"(JESUS) our King, the "HOLY SPIRIT" and our Sweet Mother "MARY" Mother of "YESHUA" our King.
2 Pedro 1:5-8
5 Precisamente por eso, esfuércense por añadir a su fe, virtud; a su virtud, entendimiento; 6 al entendimiento, dominio propio; al dominio propio, constancia; a la constancia, devoción a nuestros "AMORES"; 7 a la devoción a nuestros "AMORES", afecto fraternal; y al afecto fraternal, amor. 8 Porque estas cualidades, si abundan en ustedes, los harán crecer en el conocimiento de nuestro "SEÑORES": Papito "ABBA" (DIOS), "YESHUA" (JESÚS) nuestro Rey, ESPÍRITU SANTO "y nuestra Dulce madre "MARÍA", y evitarán que sean inútiles e improductivos.
Pētera 2 .vēstule 1: 5-8
5 Tāpēc pielieciet visas pūles un parādait savā ticībā tikumu, bet tikumā atziņu,
6 atziņā atturību, atturībā pacietību, pacietībā dievbijību,
7 dievbijībā brālību, brālībā mīlestību.
8 Jo, ja šīs lietas pie jums ir un iet vairumā, jūs netapsit kūtri, nedz neauglīgi mūsu "kUNGIEM": Tētis "ABBA" (Dievs), "YESHUA" (Jēzus) mūsu King, tad "SVĒTĀ GARA "un mūsu Salda Dieva Māte "MARIJA"
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