martes, 3 de mayo de 2016


1 John 5:14-15
This is the confidence that we have in our relationship with our "SWEETHEARTS" If we ask for anything in agreement with "THEIR" will, "THEY" listen to us. If we know that "THEY" listen to whatever we ask, we know that we have received what we asked from "THEM".

Hebreos 11:6

Pero no es posible agradar a nuestros "AMORES": "DIOS" (Papito "ABBA"), el ESPÍRITU SANTO, JESÚS ("YESHUA" nuestro Rey) y nuestra Madre "MARÍA"sin tener fe, porque para acercarse a "ELLOS", uno tiene que creer que existen y que recompensan a los que los buscan.

Jāņa 1.vēstule 5: 14-15
14 Un šī paļāvība mums ir uz musu "MILIE", ka Viņiš klausa mūs, ja ko lūdzam pēc Viņus prāta. 
15 Ja zinām, ka Viņi mūs klausa, ko vien lūdzam, tad zinām, ka saņemam to, ko esam no Viņus lūguši.

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